We all learned in school that there is more than way to get to "10." 5+5. 4+6. 3+7. They all get you to the same place. What if brewing the perfect cup of coffee was that easy? Maybe it can be.
Manipulating Your Brewed Coffee: Temperature
If you’ve ever made a cup of coffee and wondered “Why is this different from the last time I made it?” I’d be willing to bet that temperature is one of the main culprits.
Malawi Single Origin Espresso: Gralehouse
Manipulating Your Brewed Coffee: Brew Time
The act of brewing coffee is essentially causing water to be in contact with the coffee for a certain amount of time. For pour-over brewing, the timing and technique of pouring the water takes considerable skill.
Manipulating Your Brewed Coffee: Grind Size
Brewing coffee well isn’t about having the most expensive equipment, it is about understanding the principles of brewing and executing them with the equipment you have available.