Posts tagged: Lab

Manipulating Your Brewed Coffee: Brew Ratio

Manipulating Your Brewed Coffee: Brew Ratio
We did an experiment to quantify the effect of Ratio on brewed coffee. The results show a nearly perfect direct, linear relationship between Ratio to TDS. As the ratio widened by 1, the TDS measurement went down by one tenth of a percent.

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Brewing Coffee Without a Grinder

Brewing Coffee Without a Grinder

A long time ago, someone decided we should grind coffee, and that’s the way it’s been done ever since. During my life, I’ve probably tasted 10,000 cups of coffee and every single one of those preparations began with grinding roasted coffee beans. But, what if 3,000 years ago the person who first ground coffee steered us wrong?  

The truth is, grinders don’t do anything to improve the flavor of coffee—

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